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Leah Oliver

Market wrap up & the next project.

My first market is done and dusted! Honestly I felt a sense of relief wash over yesterday. Massive shout out and thanks to all my friends and family that came out for support. You guys made my day!! My stall was small and there are a few adjustment I'd love to be make and other things I want to try with my set up but overall it was a successful day!

I wrote recently about my feelings leading up to it. Throughout my career and life in general, I feel like there's always been a bench mark to work towards. A target or end point to which I could gauge my success on. I had nothing for Saturday! Regardless of what happened I wanted to walk away feeling a sense of accomplishment. I spoke with my partner (aka awesome, handsome sounding board) about it. Is it sales, new social media followers or connections with other crafters? When I stopped and thought about it, connections trumped everything. While I've been crafting for many years, I've never made an attempt to connect with other artists and find my tribe in this wonderful fibre community. Being a strong introvert it takes a lot off energy to create new connections. Long story short, this year changed everything and now I'm out and about and I met some really lovely, talented people.


On my last blog post last week I'd pledged 5% of my of all sales would go towards The house with no steps. While I didn't have a bench mark in mind, any contribution, however small I know can help. Thank you so much to those friends that made a purchase yesterday. I really hope you enjoy your treats. I've given a donation of $40.


I want to keep my momentum rolling. I have so much energy I want to pour into this venture and my craft. I'm hoping to apply for the canberra handmade, or old bus depot markets in the new year. Anything sooner seems unrealistic. Ill make an announcement as soon as I have dates confirmed.

For now though I'm onto Christmas projects and everything else that entails...

I have two good friends who, like me have all their hooks and needles tucked in a bag, hidden way out of sight from sticking little toddlers.

I bought this beautiful fabric some time ago (lets be honest, way too long ago) with the intention of making a crochet hook/ knitting needle purse for all of us. Well it got put in the too hard basket and never got kick started. I'm not normally a sewer but I'm keen to give this a go and see how it turns out.

There are oodles of awesome ones already, i'll be trawling Pinterest and chatting to my aunty for inspiration and help with this one.

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